I'm a Catholic homeschooling mama of seven kids. Four are adults now, and living at various stages of life out of the house. Two of my adult daughters are getting married this year. Here's where I'll be hanging out my laundry, gaining perspective, and, down the road, have something to remember all the wooshing days.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Preparing for Marriage

Years ago, Albert and I did a video and workbook workshop on marriage and family life.  Kind of a marriage enrichment.  It was fun and informative, but perhaps one of the most important things we gained from doing this workshop was that camping is really good for your marriage.

Why, you wonder?

The workshop facilitator said it's because you cling to one another in crisis.  You draw together in hardship.  You come to the rescue of one another.

Camping, it turns out, is the perfect venue to experience crisis and hardship and the need to rescue one another.

We create the opportunity to find that selfless part of ourselves which we normally try to AVOID when we go camping.

On that note.  I have just completed my first overnight hike-camp with my youngest daughter Lydia (also a first for her).  The rest of the family are seasoned overnight hiker-camper people.

Did we experience crisis?
Did we experience hardship?
Was it needful to rescue people?

And so, our marriage and family life has naturally improved.  All that in only two days of being away from home.  Almost like a marriage enrichment retreat.

some proof, I'm the one with the blue ball cap

some rest time, this is Albert

some nature

some small but sturdy hikers

some whiskey jack on Lydia's hand

some alpine flora


  1. Ha! Great to see some pictures of the expedition. Once I get over the crisis and hardship and need-of-rescuing that having a baby or toddler affords a marriage, I'll have to give backpacking a try. Wouldn't want life to become, you know, EASY.

  2. Well if you are going for easy, you'll just be given some other form of suffering, in my experience!
