I'm a Catholic homeschooling mama of seven kids. Four are adults now, and living at various stages of life out of the house. Two of my adult daughters are getting married this year. Here's where I'll be hanging out my laundry, gaining perspective, and, down the road, have something to remember all the wooshing days.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Best Laid Schemes

Of mice and men gang aft agley.

Yesterday morning I received a call that my mom had a heart attack.  Last night I arrived back here in B.C. to be with her and my dad and brothers.

Who wonders what this will be like?

I passed emcee notes off to a kind and capable soul.

Our lovely September bride took over the bridal flowers without hesitation.

The wedding was beautiful my family texts to me.

And I'm with my mom and that's beautiful too.  She won't be at Mary's wedding, I think.

She awaits open heart surgery in the next  couple of days.

Lift her up in prayer my friends.